Starting the week of January 15th, 2023, the Foxworth Theory podcast will be seen on the New Jersey Urban News website! New interviews will start with host Eugenia Foxworth's chat with New Jersey Urban News' Founder/Publisher Penda Howell on Tuesday, January 17th and Thursday, January 19th at 9pm ET. Take a look at the promo and discussion!
"The Theory" Magazine
Volume 1, Issue 2
"I am so excited about "The Foxworth Theory" and all of the guests who have appeared on the show and those who are about to air. From the family of James Mtume to the niece of Rose Parks and the greatness of DoubleXXposure CEO Angelo Ellerbee, I have heard my guests on the show talk about how precious life is and how we must celebrate it and respect it. I keep listening to the powerful thoughts expressed by guests on the show as I spring forward to enjoy our months ahead." Click here to read the digital publication online.
Prior Issues
Podcasts stream live on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9pm ET
Shows archived on each platform after streaming
Our Mission
"My goal for 'The Foxworth Theory' is to bring together all these aspects that I've been a part of - art, fashion, culture, business, dance, entertainment - with the people who create the art, design the fashions, make the music, choreograph the dance and help define the culture," Eugenia Foxworth explains. "All these things I eat, drink and feel every day. We'll invite legends to be a part of the show along with folks from the real estate world. What I want the show to do is help motivate and inspire others to pursue their goals and dreams. While we will indeed entertain our listeners and viewers, what I want the podcast to do is to help inspire and motivate our young people to achieve their goals. Our youth have always been a group I want to work with and tell them that they can achieve whatever it is they set their minds to doing. Don't ever let anyone tell them their dreams cannot come true."Recent Episodes
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